Sayur Asem is a kind of soup which has the tamarind flavor. The
taste is little bit sour because of the tamarind as the main ingredient. There are many variations of Sayur Asem.
Sayur Asem Jakarta, Sayur Asem Betawi and Sayur Asem Sunda. This recipe is Sayur Asem from Sunda (
Seasoning ingredients vegetable recipes
2 pieces of sweet corn, Cut in a wheel shape.
2 tablespoons peanut
75 grams of long beans, cut into pieces.
1 fruit chayote, - cut in dice shape.
Some Melinjos (Gnetum Gnemon) fruits.
Melinjo leaves 15-20
4 large green chilies, -cut into pieces approximately 2 cm
3 cm galangal, press
2 bay leaves
4 tablespoons tamarind water
1.5 liters of clean water
Ground spices
> 3 cloves garlic
> 6 spring onions
> 1 teaspoon shrimp paste fuel
> 3 red chillies
> Salt to taste
> Grate coconut sugar.,
1 tablespoon.
First boil some water, then put vegetables such as corn, peanut,
betel nut and leave them until soft / cooked.
Then Add the ground
Put galangal and bay leaves.
Put the rest of the
vegetables: long beans, squash, leaf
melinjo and green chilies,
The last Put the sugar, tamarind water, salt and stir
until blended well.
Sayur Asem is ready now..
Serving suggestions !
Sayur Asem Sunda is better served with white rice,
fried chicken, salted fish, fried tofu or tempe. Sayur Asem with white rice is
good to be main dishes for lunch time because the taste of tamarind is
refreshing in hot day.
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